The wait is over!
Come and see new rhino calf Jabulani on safari as he ventures out into the savannah!
Since birth, Jabulani has been building up his strength and developing bonds with his mother, Kipenzi and his fellow rhino crash members in a keeper-only area.
Just like rhino calves would experience in the wild, Jabulani has been nurtured closely by his mother to prepare him for venturing further into the habitat, among herds of giraffe, zebra, ostrich and antelope.
Visitors can expect to see Jabulani staying close by mum and eight tons of rhino family 'bodyguards'. But as time goes by, he'll venture out and explore more on his own. He’ll also be doing plenty of ‘zoomies’ and taking lots of naps as would be expected with any new baby.
Jabulani and Kipenzi will continue to be monitored by keepers as they settle into life with the rhino herd.
They will also continue to spend some time in private, so viewing opportunities on the Zoo’s Safari Bus are not always guaranteed.
Native to Southern Africa, Southern White Rhinos are classified as Near Threatened and it is estimated as few as 10,080 Southern White Rhino remain in the wild.
They face increasing threats including poaching for the illegal trade of rhino horn and habitat destruction and fragmentation as human populations and infrastructure grows.